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Postback Fields

For each successful payment, ATLOS will send a postback notification containing the following fields in JSON format.

Output Example

"TransactionId": "rxoI1U24RCFUvS",
"SubscriptionId": "agEnF4OrzEHP",
"MerchantId": "8XOZ64KC9X",
"OrderId": "123456",
"Amount": 20.00,
"Fee": 0.200000,
"Blockchain": "ETH",
"Asset": "USDC",
"BlockchainHash": "0x677c5a8826329fa757a472f919a1b21ee4b94f7231a5483810cadedda1fffdd8",
"UserWallet": "0x22d491Bde2303f2f43325b2108D26f1eAbA1e32b",
"OrderAmount": 19.95,
"OrderCurrency": "USD",
"PaidAmount": 20.00,
"TimeSent": "2024-06-02T02:17:04Z",
"Status": 100

Field Description

TransactionIdstringtransaction ID (generated by ATLOS)
SubscriptionIdstringsubscription ID (generated by ATLOS)
MerchantIdstringyour merchant ID
OrderIdstringthe order ID you passed to the widget or the API as orderId
Amountnumberthe amount of asset received
Feestringthe amount of the commission fee taken
Assetstringasset code
Blockchainstringblockchain code
BlockchainHashstringblockchain transaction hash (a.k.a. blockchain transaction ID)
UserWalletstringfor EVM blockchains, the sender's wallet address
OrderAmountnumberthe order amount you passed to the widget or the API as orderAmount
OrderCurrencystringthe fiat currency code you passed to the widget or the API as orderCurrency
PaidAmountnumberthe Amount value converted to OrderCurrency
TimeSentstringtime when the transaction was recorded in a block
Statusnumber100 (success)

Since a postback notification is sent when transaction is included in a block and confirmed, the status is always 100 (success).