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With ATLOS, you can send outgoing payments via the API. This can be useful if you want to send funds to your users, affiliates, or contractors.

As all other features of ATLOS, it is done in a non-custodial way. You do not have to deposit any funds with ATLOS or provide your wallet private key. Instead, we use the ERC20 token allowance feature to send payments. At this time, we only support payouts in ERC20 tokens, such as USDC, USDT, etc.

To use the Payout feature, begin by making sure you have funds in your wallet that you plan to send, such as USDC. Then, access Set Payout Allowances in the Merchant Panel to set allowance for each token you would like to be able to send. This will allow ATLOS to send these tokens directly from your wallet. Note that on the same page, you can set the allowance to 0 if you want to revoke access to your wallet.

The API sends payments on fire-and-forget basis. If a payment fails because you do not have enough balance or token allowance, the payment will be retried every hour. All you need to do is to add token or set allowance in your wallet for the payment to be completed successfully. This way, you do not have to resubmit all payments again via the API if they fail.

To create a payout, use the Wallet/SendToken API endpoint.