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Build Your Own UI

ATLOS payment widget is a ready off-the-shelf solution for adding crypto payments to your website or app. But, what if you need to develop a custom user interface for accepting payments? No problem. You can use ATLOS API to build any frontend for accepting payments.

The main steps to accomplish this type of integration are as follows:

  1. Create an invoice with Invoice/Create.
  2. Fetch the list of available assets and blockchains with Asset/List.
  3. Prompt the user to select an asset/blockchain combination.
  4. Create a payment with Payment/Create. This will generate a receiving wallet address.
  5. Prompt the user to send the selected asset to that wallet address.
  6. Open a WebSocket to get instant payment updates or poll with Payment/Get.
  7. When the payment status changes to success, display the success screen.

Instead of step 6, you can also wait for a postback on the server side and notify your client when the postback is received.