Quick Start
Let's get you started with accepting payments in less than 5 minutes.
What You'll Need
You will need a Web3-compatible wallet (or you can skip that for now and sign up with email). If you don't have a wallet yet, you can install MetaMask.
You will also need a webpage that you can edit to add some JavaScript code. If you don't have a website – for example if you want to integrate ATLOS with a chat bot – no problem, you can do that too (see Alternative Integration).
Step 1: Sign up for ATLOS
Create a merchant account by logging in to ATLOS Merchant Panel. The signup takes only a few seconds. You just need to connect your wallet and sign a token. ATLOS is permissionless, so no approval or account verification is required. The account is live as soon as you sign up.
If you don't have a wallet yet, you can sign up the old-fashioned way with email and password. You'll be able to complete the integration without a wallet, but you will still need to add a wallet address later to accept payments.
Step 2: Add ATLOS to Your Webpage
Add ATLOS to your website. For that, you will need to change the source code of your checkout page. Open the webpage source file in your favorite text editor and add the lines of code below.
Add this line of code before the </body>
<script async src="https://atlos.io/packages/app/atlos.js"></script>
Add a link or a button with the onclick
attribute that opens the payment widget:
<button onclick="atlos.Pay({
merchantId: '8XOZ64KC9X',
orderId: '123465',
orderAmount: 19.95})">
Click to Pay
Don't forget to substitute 8XOZ64KC9X
with your merchant ID that you can get from the Merchant Panel.
Congratulations! You can now accept crypto payments.
Alternative Integration
Alternatively, you can accept payment with ATLOS without integrating the payment widget into your website. This can be done by using payment links, also known as invoices, or hosted checkout. It can be useful if your application does not have a website, such as a chat bot, or if you accept orders over email, by phone, etc.
To learn more about payment links, visit the Invoices section.