Kyc for fiat on ramp

Hello. The fiat on ramp option does the customer have to go through kyc for them to pay with their card if they don’t have crypto??

Hi there,

Our fiat onramp is done through MoonPay. I can’t speak for them, but I believe there are certain amounts (under $3,000 perhaps?) that they allow to purchase without KYC. Their rules change every so often. It’s better to ask them directly.

Moon pay told me before making payments they require one to go through kyc. Which is a bother to the customer ngl.

Am signing up but am still stuck at the "sign token " after connecting my web3 wallet. It’s be over 5 minutes now …

It was able to connect now . I don’t see the wordpress plugin… It isn’t available in the integration page and not available in wordpress plugins.

Right. It’s available for download in our Merchant Panel on the Integration page under WooCommerce: